Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Have to admit that I am not fully recovered from vacation mode. kind of lazy for some issues.
last week, I finally gearred up for some long dued items. then, ppssss.... my laptop screen flashed, and then it never came back again. The motherboard basically bursted. Woo... for so many years of experience using laptop, this is the first time I got such fatal problem (well, this is my first Dell laptop).
ok, so I wasted three days to get it repaired, and then another day to get softwares all work (since it screwed my OS).

I need to spend more time to digest my new lesson, strategy and practice. I feel it is quite interesting, especially when talking about corporate strategy which is dominated by US and discuss it under 'europian stereotype'.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Oversea travel with toddler

Just came back from a two weeks long oversea travel, went back to my hometown.
It turned out to be great, especially for my daughter (for her is three weeks).

It is quite interesting (and suprising) to see her response in first week. Because of Jetlag and illness, she did not feel very well. The foreign environment exaggerated the symdrome. So, the first week was sort of miserable.

However, after first week, we were keeping traveling and change places from places. You can easily tell the adaptiveness. She start to get used to the changes of environment, and the attitude turned from frighten to cautious, and then eventually curious in the last week.

So, by the end of third week, it was quite difficult to manage her. She can run around in neighborhood and department store shop floor even she is just first time visiting. Even more frighten for us. She immediately learnt how to explore someone's house in the first time visit!!!

For the long distance travel with a toddler, yes, it is really a challenge. So, we were quite concern and made a lot of practices. Some of my relatives are quite suprised by the amount of preparation and the tactics required. Even just for the long flight cross ocean, the diaper bag is bigger than ever. It turned out to be great. We managed most of the journal smoothly and successfully access to many places which we thought it might not be possible with a toddler.

Overall, I am extremely happy for this travel. Not only I enjoy the relax, food and the time with family and relatives, but also have my daughter accustom to longhaul travel and dynamic enviornment.