Monday, January 28, 2008

Academia M&A

When I was shaving this morning, an interesting but stupid topic jumped into my mind.
So, comparing the higher education system in UK and United State, it is quite different since UK is still predominated by elite college system but US is pretty much all university style.

Then I was using using the competitive advantages (RBV) to compare the both systems. One factors determining the advantages in RBV is the economy of scale, and the economy of scale on the other end.

So, US is system seems more one the economy of scale, but theoretically, it may be able to offer the education at cheaper cost (even with the skyrocketed tuition). And on the other hand, UK is more lean to the economy of scope, with certain college only focus on certain area, to ensure providing the best quality of education.

Then I was thinking this is just like to normal business competition. Of course there are debates about the purpose of education, like government subside or not child left behind whatever. But with higher education, it is more like capitalism business that the rich and smarter will get into it but not else. Anyway, so, I assume the competition between school/college/university will be similar just like companies compete in the same fields.

so, will the competition between elite college and university just the competition between Microsoft and niche player like Adobe!? I am saying yes.

Now, here is the real question after go through this path: so, will there be two types of growth for university/college? organic or acquisition? like oracle and SAP?

We certainly don't see much acquisition between college or with university are we? but will there be.... that actually is the question.

I will say mostly are organic. At least that is the impression I had.
The only acquisition case I knew is the case in the town near by. A medical college - Medical College of Virginia MCV merged into Virginia Commonwealth University VCU. MCV definitely had better reputation than VCU, but it used this tactic to take advantage on economy of scale. But whether VCU gained the same and enjoy any economy of scope is unknown. And whether this tactic can help VCU's overall reputation is unclear either.

Well apparently I don't have much background knowledge and no detail research at all during a length of a tooth brush... But I just simply note this down and may be motivated to look into it later in my life... When my life is bored.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Kia Rondo

I just checked the price of this car on msn autos. damn, this car is so so cheap.
the rental car company made a very bad job for cleaning this car. so, it smell stincky.
but driving is surprisingly pleasant thought, considering the price. its handling is notbad. the seat position is high but feel comfort. the engine is doing ok with just enough power. nothing particular about the dashboard. the space is good since it is designed to be a crossover (but think it seems more like a wagon rather than a SUV though). it is a nice plain vallina car, but the price tag is certainly make it appealing and make it a good value-to-money.

Wintergreen resort

Well. so, last year my wife and I were thinking to go ski resort. at that time, we thought it will be just a mission impossible, with a new baby on the way in the mid of this year.
however, from mid of November, we started to feel it is not something infeasible and start to gear up towarding that.
it turned out excellent. from location picking to the content of this 4 days 3 nights outting.
first, I have to mention the location, wintergreen resort, one major resort in Virginia. we considered snowshoe in west virginia seriously since beginning. but consider the distance of travel, purpose of trip and the family accommodation, wintergreen definitely had its merits.
we had a rental vacation townhouse, which is ok for size, cozy and comfortable. and never need to worry about noise. and it is far less expensive than snowshoe.
secondly, as most of us are first/second snow exposed, wintergreen's weather turned out perfect. not too cold, but cold enough to have perfect snowmaking. we are actually extremely surprised by the quality of snow on slope, and no snow anywhere else to reduce the inconvenience.
as mentioned, not many od us has serious snow experience. so, just couple snow tubing trips and some ground playing are sufficient. my 2 years spent more time having fun stumbling in snow rather than taking tube.she definitely had fun.
Me and wife spent couple hours on the slopes only, which is perfect and beyong expectation already since we ourself did not plan to go initially. It was really good feeling to know I have not forgot skiing and really had fun. the condition of slopes are excellent.
we actually didi not use the facilities of wintergreen too much except tubing park and slopes. but overall it is a well organized resort and definitely enjoyed.

Chevolet TrailBlazer

this is quite a classical american car. the dashboard everything are pretty much standard layout for a chevolet. the handling is not too bad but sort of unstable at high speed (I don't want to kill myself for sure)
not having enough power regarding the engine. but acceleation was ok.