Wednesday, May 21, 2008

On this dinning table

So, I am sitting on my dinning table now, a cheap dinning table, really cheap. And using the low-end toshiba satellite, and a stack of papers about "Agile Enterprise" next me. Look around, there are a lot of stories just around this table.

The Toshiba Satellite is not mine. It is from my dad. Somehow my dad hates to travel with a laptop. So, he got two laptops, one in his home and the other was left alone here. I was a toshiba laptop fan. Mostly because my first laptop (supplied by my company) was toshiba, and when I was expat to Japan, it was toshiba. And the toshiba PC project, which I was the PM, indeed was a turning-point, milestone project of my life. So, I used various toshiba laptop, Tecra, Libretto and Satellite. Funny thing is mostly are sort of specialized laptop. This low-end satellite is actually the first and only "consumer oriented" toshiba laptop I ever used. Frankly speaking, it was just ok. And because of latest experience with Tecra TE2100, my faith to toshiba is really fading away quickly.

The dinning table was not mine either. It came from a friends back in Dallas. When I finished my expat from Japan and moved back to US, I landed in Dallas first before moved to virginia. We pulled out some stuffs from one of my friends' storage who was expated to Taiwan at that time. Coming together are various stuffs, like kids stroller, high chair. The stroller is actaully another long story which is equavalent to the story of this dinning table.

So, we later found out the table was very cheap (we know it is cheap but don't know it is that cheap). So, was joking around that it was really not worth the rent of the trailer and fuel cost (particularly now with the skyrocketed gas price).

Before I moved to current house. The dinning table was my only territory. We were in a decent sized apartment. However, with the new born baby and parents in law (or my parents), the two-bed room apartment was cramp. My wife's study desk took whatever space left in the living/dinning area. So, dinning table was whatever I had. Other than dinning, it was my working space, studying space, and place where I play with my kid (she used to crawl on the table top when I was studying).

After every meal, it pretty much my job to clean the table. Well, it is my space and I am actually quite picky... So, it is "important" to clean it up"....
If for working... well.. then I put my notes and the company laptop on it.
If for studying , then I put all the books, study notes, and my personal laptop (Libretto until about a year ago... another long and funny story)....
Now I have a working space. But somehowI never get used to study there... I tend to leave my company PC there and avoid touching it. So, now is the de javu. I am now sitting on the dinning table... just like I used to... and try to study.

I remember the first year of MBA, the study notes are a lot. So when studying, the material can cover the whole table. And I have to continously moving the material around since these materials cannot stay when next meal is coming. It got a little better after second year. But never been easier. And it was really a multi-task areas. One time I actually change my daughter's diaper on top of these study materials.

After we moved to a house. The dinning table is still an important place.... if just me and my wife, we use the laptop on the table (the low-end satellite is pretty much stationed here) to watch TV using slingbox, or watching DVD (funny and stupid). We chatted a lot around the table (other than meal time). The laptop is also the main communication tool for kids to interact with their grand parents. My daughter always want to play sesame street online game here ( Now my son always want to "attach" this satellite whenever he can. Everyone, kids particularly, are around the table to have meals (I discipline kids to have food only when they sit down around the table), which quite a cozy feeling. So, this table is still and indeed a central piece in this house. We host couple Thanksgiving party on this table, it is quit good memory. Hard to get all friends together here.

Well, this table is not that nice on the other side.Time to time I ran into problem with my leg. The sitting position is not very comfortable. But sometime I have to sit there for a long period of time and it made my legs paralyzed. It is not that kind of heavy, solid redwood table either.. so, it continuously sliding and shifting, which I have to adjust it back every couple days.

This table has been with us for forth years (next month). And this is the fourth year of my MBA study. Now I am still sitting here and preparing the material for my final assignment for my MBA. While recalling all the memory around this table, hope I can get this done soon, on this table... Then this is table that helps me to get my MBA and I can really claim that I get a MBA on a dinning table - this lovely dinning table.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Dogde Caliber

no automatic window
no remote keyless entry
no cental lock
no cruise control
no engine rpm meter
but surprising it still has AC and its audio has CD! sort of weird arrangement, isn't?
very very smooth when in idle, but apparently something wrong with the noise isolation or just the engine is going to crap out even you just ramp up the engine rpm a little bit.
it is a odd layout. hatch back and high seating position. the review from driver seat is not great. actually felt compressed. just msn auto, it said a cheap version of crossover that chryster came up. so, who want a SUV is so smaller, almost like a sedan (you barely cab tell) and no competence to go offroad at all?
the conclusion is this car have to sell in a very very cheap price. Otherwise, I will just buy a huyndai.