Thursday, July 31, 2008

Honda Accord

hum!? rent a card as the same as mine? well, this is newer model and definitely worth a try.
My wife claims it is spacier than our 2002 version. I did not feel so.. anyway most of the time I was cramped in my driver seat.
But apparently HONDA did a impressive job to improve the transmission. Damn, now I really feel mine is cranky and unsmoothy. Overall, driving is a pleasant... smooth, quite and elegant.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Sort of weird to write a note about Atlanta.

Atlanta is where I suppose to work, even I spent most of time working at home. However, office and cube is there. So, whenever I go there. I feel a sense of dignity to dedicate myself for work, not really for leisure.

Anyway, Atlanta is really a vivid city, very different style than any west coast highly developed metros (over sprawl). And different than most north east developed, sophisticated cities (I like using this word - sophisticate!).

- Atlanta Aquarium
This is Georgia Aquarium. This is the second time I visit it, third time for my daughter and wife. They definitely enjoy it. We talked about Baltimore aquarium. This is in totally different scale. It has the biggest tank in N.A. And there is some nostalgia since its main character, whale shark, is from our home town too. Third year since it opened. It is still packed in weekend. Don't try to maneuver in there with a stroller!!!!

- Coca cola world.
Third time for me already!!! could you believe? I cannot either. but anyway, this is the new coca cola world, moving from the old one near the under ground to this one, just cross the aquarium.
Frankly speaking, it is a nice place to visit, enjoy the "pop" culture and true American spirit. But one time only!

- Stone Mountain park
This is my favor. It is a part with a stone. One stone. But it is in a nice setting, great view, nice facility and tones of stuff for kids to do and have fun.

- Atlanta zoo
dunno, my wife gave it a minus last time she visited.

Well, there are still plenty to do. Overall, Atlanta is a booming and vivid city as I said, very different atmosphere and sort of enjoyable southern style living.