Sunday, August 31, 2008

First meal in India

Ok... after long time preparation. Actually, the context should be even longer.... back to 2004, I was planning for India trip, but it got cancelled because of new assignment back to US. So, finally, I landed at Delhi and now I can mark India as one of the countries I have been on the map, even I have not even stratch the surface.

So far, it havn't bee "Too" shocking... .but it is shocking... particularlly the traffic.... what I am shocked is not the crowdness or unruling of traffic... but how bad the transport infrastructure is.
On the way to Gurgaon, the driver was arguing with toll station ( I guess he went into a tag land but he don't have a tag). And then the exit of highway basically is not exist.... it is just dirt road.
Not I have not seen this, it just hard to combine this with all the high tech buildings next to it with MNEs logo.

Anyway, food is the first priority. We went to the probably the most upscale mall in Gurgaon and had a meal there....

The atmosphere here is good, food is excellent, almost made me forgot the jungle outside.

But when I walked out the mall in order to access a CitiBank ATM machine, I see a peasant girl playing in the mud. She is extremely muddy, I cannot tell her skin is sun tanned or just because of mud... She is completely in chocolate color and mud everywhere and apparently her elder is bothering her so she is screaming and crying around. I think the reality immediately hit back on me. I realized how fortunate I am (and my family) and feel sad for these people. But this all I can do so far.This feeling comes back all the time and I hate to self-rationalize myself... And this feeling is not particularlly in here, but everywhere in the world. I guess probably in India, this is going to be more significant.

That's the reality. There are always people in proverty and rich... and some how always can find some places that they are mixed and blended, in good or bad (normally is bad). And it is pretty much nothing you can do about it.

Well, as I said, I am not comfy to see all these proverty, but I am not humanism either. So, I think I have to take it and get used to it for a period of time.