Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Road side food in India

I am not extremely brave guy. These road side food is definitely triggered my nerve at the first time. I realized it is not the food, it is the place... Somehow, it is always smelly for something.

I tried Paan couple times. It is a mouth freshing thing in India. People used to have it after a heavy meal. You normally can find a photo of it in DK's Eyewitness Travel guide for india. The problem is, you probably never can find a place selling such glamour looking Paan. Most Paan place is crappy and not really do this as the main business, selling cigarette probably the main one.
But anyway, I tried couple times already. They are not bad. I guess my wife will scream at me if she saw me eating that.

I also had Chai and Omelet from the street. I can try to describe eplace but seem nobody really care that much...And we were actually running away from the police man and eating in the dark (and somewhere don't want to describe). But fresh omelet with toast is pretty tasty, and so does the Chai. Sorry, could not take a picture....

Sunday, September 07, 2008

First Delhi trip

It was for Karim, the famous mughali restaurant next to Jami Masjid.
Kind of screwed up, since the restaurant is closed due to Ramadan....
The way from Gurgaon to Delhi is sort of a torture due to traffice... 25 kilo but took more than a hour.

From Geotag folder

From Geotag folder
Walked from the entrance from Jami Masjid to the place of Karim - a hidden place.., The way is not easy..... smelly odors all the way, beggers and weird stuffs flying around... I think the strong sun made me dizzy.

so we ended up eating some other mughali food near by... not bad... but said not as good as Karim...

on the way out, the butcher was just working on the road side lively.... I think my colleague almost vomit over there.

Stopped by the City Walk at Saket ... very nice mall... just too crowded... there is a concert for "Rock On" will be on within a hour. We ran away like refuges...

Note: BTW, this is first time ever utilitizing GPS and geo tag feature for traveling. The result is somewhat satisfying.