Thursday, May 28, 2009

Verizon Data Plan

I have been with T-mobile for 5+ years. Be frank, the reason is not because I like it... Other than it is cheap, it is also I hate these "proprietary" or "regional" technologies,like the PCS by earlier AT&T, CDMA by sprint and/or whatever... Why? feel stupid to carry a different phone at different place, particularly out of united state... Does mobile phone means it should be able to mobile around the globe? So, it works pretty much as I want, moderm GSM phone could travel mostly around the world except Japan... just swap a local SIM card and then you are back on line, without roaming... but for VOICE only.

I don't know how many people realize this... It is fairly easy to get a local monthly or prepaid voice plan. But the DATA plan available for traveler, are rare and STINK. Most countries are basically have no short term, flexible or prepaid data plan on the menu. Even have a GSM phone, most of time have to drop the hope to have data coverage. (Note: GSM has a slow data connection GPRS. But hey, still better than no connection since you could be in the middle of somewhere that you know nothing around including their language. Internet is the real saver. Have you ever use a google map to identify where you are? So most of time I have to roam or just give up)

Was hoping 3G will make the world better. But it does not!!! US still is implementing strange frequencies.(so be aware, even you have a 3G phone, it does not guarantee it works in US on particular network unless the phone is fully supporting its frequencies). So, I give up the hope for a device that could work globally with local data connection. Human being are just not going to make their lives easier with new technologies.

Funny, my wife start asking mobile data connection recently. So, I started looking around what might be the acceptable "local data connection" option, since US has all these networks with funky technologies 3G UMTS, PCS, CDMA, EVDO etc...

Anyway... T-mobile is not grown up yet. Its 3G coverage is rare. AT&T is stinky since it mandates 2 year contract. I was thinking the "cell swap" thing. Then it turned out Verizon gave me quite a sweet option. And that is why I am writing this.

Verizon allows you to start with Monthly connection if you have their equipment handy. And they don't care how you get the equipment. So, I got a Verizon PC5750 (PCMCIA type wireless modem) just around 10 bucks including shipping (you can easily guess where I got it) and then stopped by one of their shops to activate the data package... whoopy!!!! It works like breeze. Even the EVDO technology is not that cutting edge (funny, my wife used EV-DO in Japan back to 2003 already! could not believe we again back on it in US after 6 years!!!). But this is definitely a much better option than that nonsense 2 year contract and no worry for the ridiculous early-termination fee. Can pay a little bit more for a newer hardware, like USB type modem. But the bottom-line is the initial cost and long term obligation are both lower. And in fact this is greener, I can reuse the equipment unwanted by someone and that is what I really like.

In contrast, thinking about AT&T's package, it makes me throw out... it pretty much forces you to buy a new equipment every two years since they make no sense to "reuse" or keep exisitng hardware. Definitely not qualified from environmental aspect and (I guess they don't care)

Ok, so all these are FYI....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Today's Dilbert
as having two MBA under this roof… this made us laugh…. LOL…

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rose Brut from Cristalino

My Japanese friend bought this one for the gathering. The dinner went well. Both family enjoyed the dished and kids seems had a lot of fun.
A sparkling wine from Spain. Relatively sweet and have a nice fruity aroma... But not strong...
Sort of between dissert wine and table wine... if taking a light dish...