Monday, September 21, 2009

Standing next to a JAL 777

Woow.... The blast is stunning. Boeing 777 has the most powerful engine in the world... its two engines has more power than the 4 engines 747 has combined. Our CRJ on the left corner is just a toy....

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

About Rick Steves

Well... I recently encountered some of his videos... pretty appealing for me as there has been a lacking of nice European travel video in US for a while.

Samatha Brown has quite traveling Europe. Michael Paulin's Britan arrogance made me puke (not in Europe though). And global trekker is really not my style (sorry, no backpacking!)

One thing I like Rick is he is not making too much comments other than introduction. That is something for an American (and European). Can see quite some his video clips on youtube.
But interestingly, he recently start promoting his book "travel as a politic act" which is full of "I think..." , "I feel..."
Maybe he has been suppressed too much and too long in his show :)
But anyway, I like some of his point of view through his introduction clips:
Chapter 4 - "Get connected or be dumped out" is commenting on the way people are traveling. I enjoyed some of his comments for Americans traveling oversea.Don't tak me wrong here. It is not only for American. In fact, always some "red neck" tourists from any country do the sane things.
Chapter 8 - "How others see us" is pretty cool too. He made a lot of points echoing the feeling from people like me, who travelled around the world and see how people think American...
One comment of my American friends in my Japanese lesson when back in Tokyo said "don't tell people you are from US, or they will just fxxk whatever you say".
Chapter 9 - "Terrorism, fear and sense" made some comments regarding American's mindset regarding terriorism and some own "internal affairs" They are quite some wisdoms and something american refused to hear from a long time. . For me, it is at least nice to hear it from an American saying that.
Well.... found something interesting and enjoyed.