Saturday, January 23, 2010

2006 Merlot from Anakena

Another Merlot from Chile. We had its Carmenere and seems this vineyard holds its reputation well...
After we had that super cheap "popular" wine, we picked this one to see whether thiscould give us a closer experience as Sombras Del Sol (which is priced right at the ceil of cheap wine).

Sadlly, the answer is still not. But not bad thought
This Merlot do have different flavor but still quite fruity. But I think it does not have that weird combination and charisma from Sombras. Aroma is also different and good (It said to have chocolate aroma?). Its tanning and acid are slight higher than all Chile Merlot we tried.

I will not complain for the quality I got with the price I paid. It is a still decent experience.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

2008 Mertlot from Frontera - Concha Y Toro

Previously, the experience of Merlot from Sambra was impressive, so bought couple more Merlots from Chile to try further.
This one is intriguing. It is marketed as one of the most popular Chile wine in United State... Urrrrr. ... firstly, the price is --- cheap. It is not only cheap but scarily cheap.. The 750ml is like 4 bucks... and 1.5L is only like 6 in costco!!... This means it is even just half price of most oridinary cheap wine (below $10 wines). Most cheap wines in US are priced between $6 to $10 and that is a range made me comfortable range!!! This is of course more a psychological factor only. There is no guarantee that wine labeled at $10 will be always better than $6, yes... But price at less than $4 !!!!!

Turned out it is NOT bad... It is slighly lighter in color. a little bit fruity but probably the least among the Chile Merlot we tried and light in aroma, tanning, acid, everything!  This means it could be a crowd pleaser. We think it is a wine that won't go wrong, since it does not have any strong characters. If at a party with a large number of quests and don't know their taste or favor (or cannot recognize a consistent one), you probably can put out this and be ease. And it is SO CHEAP that you probably have nothing to lose.

My comprehension maybe funny.. but I do see it has the right formula to because "popular" in US ... hahaha....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hefe-Weizen Dark from Erdinger

Have to say it is not as good as Schneider Weisse. Even this is a Dark and supposed to be stronger... but its aroma and favor are both still distance away (maybe I was wrong in the begining, should get a original white?).

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Blue Moon Belgium White

US locally brewed Belgium style white beer... I felt it is similar to Brussel's Hoegaagarden.
but quite fresh and CHEAP. So, not a bad deal while you want to try something in different favor.