Friday, November 14, 2008

Driving in India

Driving is definitely a challenge in India.

Driving on local is one experience, unruled traffic, endless honking, unexpectd U-turn and reverse diretion drivings are all eyes opener..... some time back when driving in England, I suffered from the "implicit rules" at round-about. Here, the rules aremuch more implicit and sophisticate thus too complicate to be understood by foreigners.

This is the ordinary road after moonson season.

Driving on highway is another one. Firstly, the definition of highway here is quite different than whatever the highway or autobahn is. You will be able to see ALL KINDS OF weird things happening on highway. Pedestrian crossing, cow cart (or camel) and rickshaw on highway.

Pedestrian crossing highway

Safety load limit? forget it.

What safety instrument required on vehicle? Don't ask something like Air bag or child safety seat here.

Complain about honking? Horn please!!!

The key is just whether you can get a good driver :)

Take it easy, we still can handle this with one feet up.

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