Thursday, July 16, 2009

It is the bottomline, stupid!

I could not find the original source of this new clips, but I saw it on my USA Today firstly
'Red coats' to boost Delta's customer service
I wasn't pay much attention on it when I skimmed through the newspaper, my wife then thought this is a interesting new and ask me to look into it.

So, it is cutting back the outsourcing practice and adding "face to face" agents to handle growing complains.... I cannot understand Delta wants this becomes a PR and how a intelligent people will think this is something positive. Any people has IQ more than 90 should realize this is a stupid story: showing how stupid a company is run.
Firstly, so growing complains definitely is not a good thing for a company. And this story is specific for Delta (well.. that is a well-known fact even without this story)
Funny and secondly, is any of these managers or journalists spending a piece of their brain to realize where these mounting complains come from? Sounds like they are saying:
"oh! because we are outsourcing too much, complains increase"??? hum!!!
"and we are taking actions to remedy it" ???haaaa!!!
Mouth-wide-opened. Don't see any rationality.

It is the bottom-line of your operation, stupid !

Who wants to talk to a agent if the plant leave on schedule, arrive on time with all my personal belongings in tact? A lot of people already PAID to reduce their time facing TSA agent, needless these airline agents. ONLY when I am not reaching my destination ON TIME, or arriving with PROBLEM... then I need to grab an agent and to be angry....
People are planning to be a place ON TIME... no one want to pay to get somewhere but late...
People will buy a cheaper ticket in exchange for a longer/more connections/no service flight... but does not mean people will accept the trip get delayed, or lugguge go nowhere... no matter how bad the ambience of the transportation vehicle is, or how non-fringe the service is.

So, bottomline is ... don't screw up flight schedule and lugguge handling.... get people there safely and ON TIME with their luggage... nothing more fundamental than that. Rather than spend money having people wearing red coats at airport, or pajama in India call center.

Do people realize that all these airlines have a group of PHD just sitting there, evaluating traffic data and thinking how to put a premium on the ticket to rip customer off??? But seems lack of minimum attention on bottomline operation. Have these PHD to expedite the lugguage loading and unloading!!!!

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