Thursday, April 05, 2007

Saturn VUE

Sort of odd looking car. probably because it is the first time I drive a saturn (or I just cannot remember it).
it was a pretty interesting that at the moment I sat into the cockpit and turned the key, I immediately feel - this is a cheap car. Considering all these premium brands like lexus and BMW are marketing 'pushing start', I think this car is just going opposite. They may just want to make it look cheap, feel cheap even I doubt how cheap it really is. It probably not costing much for the product manager to design a better keylock, or spend a liitle more to find a supplier with better quality. thus I really do not appreciate this point.
the engine is pretty good. sort of surprised. Drove CRV (which I felt was in the similar class), this car definitely has more juice. the intefrior and layout are fine with me. Did not have too many problem to operate compare to Europian car (see my previous Pinto note).

I just saw a note that the engine was provided by Honda. that explain why. it was funny that in the note it mentioned that Honda is not favoring to provide engines for Saturn anymore. kind of interesting. other than producing powerful engine for particular purposes or for rich people (since they drink oil like water), it seems US is losing the competences to build the engine which is generally better for average human being. Maybe this is just a reflection of current position of United States.

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