Friday, April 04, 2008

Nissan Murano

get this car accidently. my boss has been making fun of me that I got big rental car all the time, be wasting gas. so I finally got a decent rate for economy class. but, I think the gas price is so bad so the demand for smaller car is so high, they ran out of them and offer me a SUV instead. Oh, man....
however, I have no objection to Murano. couple days back I was ready the review regarding it on USA Today. the review overall is good and just criticize its appearance mainly.
mmm either I feel the same expert sense (consensus?), or just compliant with other's thoughts (follower?) I did feel the same. the interior is not bad. yap it tries to establish a luxury image but does not go far. the engine is smooth and ok. the steering is good.

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