Wednesday, June 04, 2008


I was surfing around the internet and came to a guy writing a blog about O.T.I.S - the Oddest thing I have ever Seen. Made me laugh, but quite enjoying. So, I think I really need write down some of interesting place I have even been, or where ever I have some thought, like Hiroshima .

So, Saint Michel definitely jumps on the list. Several years back when I was watching a interesting (and sort of stupid) TV program, about "The best sunset in the world"... So, it is St. Michel against Wild West US. And that was the first time I really learnt St. Michel and determined I want to visit there.

Funny is, it was not as famous as I thought. When I started surveying my honeymoon europe tour initially, no one tours offer to St. Michel. I guessed maybe there are too many tourist places in France so St Michel end up get dropped. Or it is just far out in the northwest of France not worth to spend all the time to travel there (near Normandy),

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So, we broke apart from our package tour, spend 2 days wandering in Paris, and dedicated one day for this St. Michel.

Not sure what exactly to describe it. Wiki must have better and more accurate terms. However, I am going to just use words

It is a weird "defensive oriented" building, thanx to the long fighting between France and England back in time. Ironically, because of religion!?

So, St Michel was build for both religion and military purpose. And you can realize that even from distance.

Its entrance is so narrow almost like the city you seen in the Lord of the ring, for defense purpose. It is in the middle of nowhere, seems for religion purpose. And there is no easy way to supply. The only way to move in heavy supply is by cable. It is pretty much a midieval scenary place.

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