Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Hakkaisan 八海山

So, apparently the husband of our Japanese friend family is a sommelier. His knowledge of wine is quite beyond my level.

But our wives seems not as passion of these wines as we are... Well, that is fine and normal... anyway then my wife mentioned we do have some Japanese sake..

Aha, ya, we did have some. From several Japanese trips some time back, I managed to carry back some special edition sake, since my wife was quite a sake lover, before she had children.

So, apparently the husband is very keen and nifty... He immediately recognized this Hakkaisan (eight seas and mountains). It was probably the best one in my collection.

I had Hakkaisan various times when in Japan. Normally can find it in some upper class Isakaya (drinking bar). It is very smooth, only slightly sweet. Our friends (particularly the wife) was quite excited since they think this is really a good sake to represent Japanese sake quality, and it is brewed quite close to their residence.

We enjoyed this sake a lot. It is really a good switch from beer and wines. Well, not sure when will be the next chance I can get a bottle though...

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