Sunday, November 01, 2009

Toyota Yaris

Damn, I was just about to grab that Nissan Versa but someone just took it couple minutes earlier... so, I was forced to take this Yaris, otherwise I will have a BT cruiser. That will be miserable....

Well... again, pay attention to that strange "central" console... I always need extra effort to ensure I am within speed limit. I was not sure what was the "engineering intend for this design.
1. reduce design cost by standarize left/right side steering?
Don't think it helps any manufacturing cost... and design is really one time cost.
2. improve the straigh front vision?
damn, block my right forward corner view... and force me the lean my head to the right ALL THE TIME!
3. cool?
ya... sure.. next time, have a car with steering in the middle and then we can talk.
The steer is ok. But the sitting position no matter how I tried, is awkward... I am not a tall guy but the distance between me and the steer wheel is farer than I want... It ends up I have my arms stretched and tired.. and the position is high for a car at this size....feel I am sitting on the toy car or something :)
Different than last time... this Yaris seems has slightly more power.... however, its noise level is beyond my expectation for a Toyota. With 20K on the odormeter, I am assuming this car has received enough "training" thus the engine probably runs with pull power but less calm :D

Some of my friends and relatives are actually driving Yaris. So, I better shut up now.

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