Tuesday, February 13, 2007

baby boom

Ok, so I am expecting a boy baby this June. well this put another type of anxious since we are justing getting to be familiar with how to managing a girl. It as quite funny that my wife went a little bit panic on the ultrasound table saying 'how we are going to deal with a boy' 'I have never had a brother'... well I have a brother but I have to admit the way I manage our relationship is not that great. anyway, the nurse practioner in turn trying to clam her down (it is easy just a pair of jean he can survive for a week). well, I was not sure that I was that easy to manage.
anyway, my point is: other than this news, my friends start calling each other and sharing good news. and jaw dropping is, three of them simultaneously saying they are all expecting babyies in Sept!! one in japan, one in chicago and one in california. hehe.... well... X'mas or new year party baby is understandable.... but this more seems like a global baby boom. Other than the one in california which is too crowded already, all other should be celebrate by local authorities. the one in chicago could move to minnesota. it definitly will help local economics. The one in japan, the government should really cerebrate and reward them since this is the second kids, an outlier in japan already. as for mine, I definitely welcome the new challenge. as for local authorities. I guess don't bother since they are still fighting with iraqi war and who should apologize for the slavery 200+ years ago. welcome welcome, I guess mother earth is welcoming these new comer in the case if earth is not deteriorating too fasr because of human being.

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