Saturday, February 24, 2007

Broadway shows - Part 1

Am I a musical fan? I would say no. I do love these shows and sometimes would like to sing some of the famous lyrics. My broadshow experience went back when I was 27, which is drfinitely not earlier than most musical fan. some of my friends had them since childhood. Well, consider a kid grew up in the country side in a far away asian country, I already appreciate the long way to get here. and oddly, my first musical experience wew quite intensed - 3 in rows, in the place I did not have anything to do abount - London, and the interesting timeing - Chinese new year eve when I was watching the Les Miserable ..... interesting!? mmm.... that is definitely a moving but depressing musical.
My musical experience went back much ealier. some of my high school classmates used to sing some of weber's lyrics. 'Weber? what the heck he is' I was wondering at that time. of course, my life at that moment probably spent more time to study the context of Gundam 0089 rather than the background of Les Miserable ( french revolution!? the knowledge sufficient for exams is enough)
My first musical was chicago. I have to say that I did not fully grab the story until I went back to restudy. however, the one really impressed me was Les Miserable. I will say it is the one who lure me to be interested into the world of musical. the sophistication and the depth of storyline are still by far the best. It was Les Miserable to show me how effective it could be to use the mix of scene, script, music and vocal to express the feeling of human being, the sadness of poor, the poweless to fight with bureaucratic system and politics, and the loves for people and the rights which supposed to be embeded but get rip of because of systems (and ironically these are all built by humen).

Now, after 7 years later, around chinese new year timing, I am standing in the Leicaster square again and wondering what I ought to do.

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