Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Coke Culture

Yesterday, there was a article about the caffeine in soda. Onething interested was the diet coke and pepsi are both higher than ordinary coke and pepsi. Not surprised, my favor Mountain Dew is higher than all these.

The thing is, I suddenly recall this long debated topic. What is the composition of coke? the following question is how people can trust someone who keep selling stuff to you without telling you what's in there, and then people keep buying? so call blackbox product.

The blackbox product is involving in a heated business topic - ethic. Is it business' responsibility to make public aware of the content (to ensure they are no harm), or it is business' propritary but up to the ethic of business to ensure they are safe?

Ethic of business has been challenged signficantly, especially in US. The event of Enron and the increasing corruption in US politic (which of course mix with business) are gradually increasing people's awareness of ethic.

On the perspect which company should disclosure the content, the argument is always public safety. Human being are still exploring the world of science. So, that means we don't have a conclusive list for the materials which are harming. On the one hand, scientist need to strive to identify more. On the other hand, company also need to in corporate wit the new founding to ensure the product is safe. Of course, the power of market could accept or reject a finding, then it is up to public to keep accepting a product or not. However, with a blackbox product, it is all in the invisible hand of the company. Which is the imbalance of market power.

On the other perspective, comapny should be able to keep its proprietaries. Don't have the mandate to disclosure them. But this is under the assumption taht company is like human being, should respect the social value and public safety. This will come back to the debate of categorizing company as a human entity or a set of machinary.

Well, it is just hard to believe in the initial thought that how could people drink an unknown stuff for decades? My answer is a just joking that must be American.

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