Saturday, February 24, 2007

Broadway shows - Part 2

Now, I just finished my 'ok' chinese dinner, took a short walk to charing cross station and on the way back to hotel. The chinese dish was quite authentic kaundong cuisine . the reason I had it is just 'ok' is because of the size. a 6 pounds dish (about $12) means it should be huge in US already.
As I had, this is sort of reflection. 7 years ago, I was at the same corner of the earth, and enjoy the same joy. Before I decided to walk into Prince of Wales, I was keep wondering should I find a nice coffee shop to sit down and just review what had happened in past 7 years. Oh ya! I believe there are a lot and worthful to review!
Anyway, I decided to take MaMaMia! the famous musical which use ABBA's songs as the main character.
Well, I won't say it is bad. but definitely not reaching the excellent mark per my standard. It is just there is a distance between myself and ABBA, age and culture, all of them contribute to that I am sort of knowing their music, but less enthusiastic than the majority of the fans in the theater, including the japanese ojisan sitting next to me. oh! last time in NY for Phantom, the lady next to me was just 'excited'. This time, the old ladies on the other side is truly a frenetic fan. Ojisan was retired, just travels alone and enjoys himself. Made me wonder whether he is part of the 'block era' who just retired and divorced :p
Anyway, I enjoyed. and when I saw the single mother on the stage describing her longness and sadness for past 20 years, I was really happy to see my past 7 years was so fruitful, with a lovely family and really enjoyed my life. And I think I managed it well enough that I still can come back and be in the moment, at the place and have the entertainment.
So, I enjoyed the show, the music, the passion and the entertainment offered. And I certainly appreciate it is taking a long way to get here and I need to guard all these continuously.
Out of four major musicals, I only had two, cat and miss saigaon are missing. it is sad that cat is not in NY anymore otherwise it is much easier to access. Anyway, with my lovely kids, I guess I won't have chance like this easily. it is good that I am taking a slow train, allowing me to key down and capture all these moment. now, I got to say 'Yes, I love musical'

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