Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2007 Cabernet Franc from Pollak

We went to this Vineyard about a month ago. It is a very young winery but with excellent scenery. Kids had a lot of fun there. Through the course, we tasted 7+ different wines. We thought this Cab Franc and its Merlot were out standing.
It is dark color, full body, acid and very dry (must thank to the 13 month in oak barrels). I guess because of previous two wines just had - Tempranillo from Spain and Merlot from Chile, both were much lighter and fruity, suddenly felt this cab franc is quite strong.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

2006 Tempranillo from Vinazaco, Rioja, Spain

Probably the third time I have a Tempranillo. The first two are from the exact same vineyard and it was not bad...
It was quite acid in the beginning actually. We then concluded Tempranillo always has to be waken up for more than a hour before drinking. It turned as good as the previous Tempranillo. it is relatively light body, with some flowerish aromas, little fruity but none of them is too strong...
Everything is kind of slim and light... but nothing is bad. I think so far I like Tempranillo because you never has the worry that wine could overpower food.
Meanwhile, the Cost to Value for Tempranillo is always good.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tumi Alpha multi-card case

Finally I got my Tumi Alpha to replace my lovely Burberry black label card case!!!
This is long overdue... Burberry is in perfect size, very handy and elegant.
Tumi is .... just American style, bold, rugged and bigger (even it is the smallest one I can find)...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2007 Merlot from Cooper Vineyards

Got from a friend. Slightly acid and earthy than my impression about Merlot (which I don't drink much). But it is full body and stronger than the previous Merlot (Sombras).

Turn out the vineyard is about 25 mins drive from my home... very family business style vineyard. Went there and happened to be the free tasting day... Tried about 11 different wines... Got to say its sweet one like ice and dissert wine are much more impressive.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

2008 Merlot from Sombras Del Sol

I got it from a small but nice (seems quite professional) wine cellar nearby. … It got my attention firstly because it also has Carmenere. The sales rep lady was very nice and had me tried all her variety. However, its Carmenere and Cab were not impressive at this Merlot
Price is very reasonable since it is quite a new brand. But I got to say it is quite top of my Merlot experience. Even my mom who normally don’t drink Merlot, asked immediately where I got it after one sip. There were some complains about that it was Foster behind the scene. But who cares
Fruity, smooth, nice flower-like aroma(I am not that good in distinguishing flowers). It is quite easy to drink (actually, made me drink too much).
Definitely thinking to buy another one, if I still can find it..

Monday, December 07, 2009

2009 Beaujolais Nouveau from Jean-Claude Debeaune

The first Beaujolais for me, thanks to our Japanese sommelier friend.
After some research, I found beaujolais is quite an interesting category for me, since it supposed to be more fruity, sweeter but not too much, not so much depth, fresher and lighter than ordinary wine... I think it will do well in certain occasions. And personally like it, surprisingly.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shiner Bock from Spoetzl (Shiner, TX)

It is said to be the "state beer" of Texas. Last time I have it probably back in 2004.
This is probably one of the best drinkable beer I found in US. There are quite some "drinkable beers" in United State. Like Samuel Adams has some.... but this is probably one of the best. And whatever you see on commerical mostly, they are not.  Decent aroma and flavor, and you don't have to drink it too chilled.  It goes very well with texas style steak I guess... damn I am in diet so cannot have a juicy steak, damn!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hefe Weizen from Schneider Weisse

I finally found the taste of the good beers I had when I was in Munich ... Gee... after so many years.
Hefe Weizen is a popular type of beer in Gemany, particularly south Gemany. And it s is probably my personal favor. This one is exactly the hefe Weizen I was looking for....

It has profound wheat aroma, perfect sweatness blended with light bitterness... It is excellent and well presents the unique characters of traditional German beers.
Regrete that I did not have a schweinshaxe or any sausage to go with it(barely can find a decent one nearby), or it will be heavily...


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sauvignon Blanc from Barefoot

Frankly speaking, I don't remember its taste much.... light, acid, not much aroma...
Anyway, not somthing impressive so I can remember much.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Capitalism vs. Socialism

Recently, US domestic politic arena is not running smooth at all.... the recession caused by financial outlaws in wall street, the impending reform for tumbling health care system... and then another coming storm from social security system.

One of the debating topic keep cycling around is the socialism and the interference of federal government. But does anyone step back and see anything wrong with socialism?

An artist came up this funny (and scary) picture to "scare" people of socialsim. While people are demanding reasonal health care and social welfare systems, do they realize those are actually the major elements in "socialism" rather than "capitalism"?? In pure capitalism there is nothing called social welfare. Does Americans realize they probably the only one "developed" country which does not have a "government option"?but complaining about the skyrocketed health care price and ripped off by someone in the system? Maybe they are the only one still promoting and tangled in this capitalism myth and hope the "invisible hand from the market" will adjust it automatically?

This is a interesting news clips
Quarter of people say capitalism fatally flawed

The most amazing comment is "The United States and Pakistan were the only two countries where more than one in five felt capitalism worked well as it stands".. .Pakistan!? that make me laugh out loud....

I have not seen Michael Moors' "Capitalism". Not strongly motivated per the experience from "Fahrenheit 9/11". But I do believe capitalism has major flaws. I think the logic of contributing current "success" of United State to capitalism is also a fraud. I see American succeed as the result of a series of furtunate events and some smart movements in the beginning of this country. To infer the result to capitalism and free market is way too limit and simplified. And there is no other case that a country changed to capitalism and democratic then turned to be "successful". See the cases in south america?.. Indeed, every country has its own culture, history background/context. It is up to the people in that country to determine what will be the best for them. Thus, I against use any mean to promote or even force others to adapt capitalism or whatever "free" market concept.

As for American. I see this romance with pure capitalism and free market is a obsolete, aged thinking and should be under review...quickly... because it is getting more dangerous and could damage this country forever.. My personal assessment is capitalism probably suit well for American in last 30, 40, 50 years... but probably not anymore.

Capitalism basically promote people from mid class or even lower class to move upward... but once the society is "developed", the only thing will happen is the upper/elite class will use it to create more harm than good. Keep in mind the resource is always limited while greedy is not. While wanting the resource to be utilized effectively, then capitalism plays well. But when resource is already limited, then capitalism will cause even more inequity and unfairness. The financial tumble is definitely the case. It is the rich people playing more than the resource they have in their hand. Why? greedy! A method of balance will be needed.

Sometime back, Chinese priminster made a comments regarding some language from US' "anti-socialism" language regarding free market,press and human right etc..:
"US should take care of itself and ensure it is own integrity, rather than keep pointing finger"
"Having proper leadership and comprehensive system to ensure the stability and development of society, and to promote equalty and welfare is the first priority. There is nothing wrong for socialism, look at today's China"

The last statement to take China as the example may not be true fully. But sadly others are correct... I am not pro-socialism, even dislike the chinese style socialsim (needless to say Russian, European socialism probably fit my taste slightly better). But there is also no point to say "you should adapt capitalism and freedom as I told you so" forcifully.

In the case while a society can development fairly and smoothly, nobody will care whether it is capitalism or socialism. Look around the world and US domestically, it is probably less stabled since the promotion of capitalism has failed its proposed objectives. Now US needs to work hard now to demostrate its own integrity and balance, after being the "bad boy" in last ten years. And also regain the stablility and fairness internally.

I am in the believe that proper mixture may be required per the position of any country, particularly today's United State. I think this country needs to sincerely and wisely review where the country is, and where the balance between capitalism and socialism stands.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

1994 Kinmen Kao Liang 金門高粱

A hard liquor from Taiwan, made from sorghum.

I used to drink it when in MP.. it is recognized as the only "official" liquor for MP. It constains 40% alcohol . So, I always joke it is Taiwanese Vodka, but less alcohol and better aroma...


And this one is a 94, which is 15 years old... It could sell a good price on the market.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Hakkaisan 八海山

So, apparently the husband of our Japanese friend family is a sommelier. His knowledge of wine is quite beyond my level.

But our wives seems not as passion of these wines as we are... Well, that is fine and normal... anyway then my wife mentioned we do have some Japanese sake..

Aha, ya, we did have some. From several Japanese trips some time back, I managed to carry back some special edition sake, since my wife was quite a sake lover, before she had children.

So, apparently the husband is very keen and nifty... He immediately recognized this Hakkaisan (eight seas and mountains). It was probably the best one in my collection.

I had Hakkaisan various times when in Japan. Normally can find it in some upper class Isakaya (drinking bar). It is very smooth, only slightly sweet. Our friends (particularly the wife) was quite excited since they think this is really a good sake to represent Japanese sake quality, and it is brewed quite close to their residence.

We enjoyed this sake a lot. It is really a good switch from beer and wines. Well, not sure when will be the next chance I can get a bottle though...

Monday, November 02, 2009

American Greeting

Turbo was at ATL security point and ready to take out ID and boarding pass for security checking.

TSA agent: How are you?
Turbo: Doing good. How about you?
TSA agent: Excellent, excellent. I have health insurance coverage.
Turbo: ......

Something apparently went wrong here.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Toyota Yaris

Damn, I was just about to grab that Nissan Versa but someone just took it couple minutes earlier... so, I was forced to take this Yaris, otherwise I will have a BT cruiser. That will be miserable....

Well... again, pay attention to that strange "central" console... I always need extra effort to ensure I am within speed limit. I was not sure what was the "engineering intend for this design.
1. reduce design cost by standarize left/right side steering?
Don't think it helps any manufacturing cost... and design is really one time cost.
2. improve the straigh front vision?
damn, block my right forward corner view... and force me the lean my head to the right ALL THE TIME!
3. cool?
ya... sure.. next time, have a car with steering in the middle and then we can talk.
The steer is ok. But the sitting position no matter how I tried, is awkward... I am not a tall guy but the distance between me and the steer wheel is farer than I want... It ends up I have my arms stretched and tired.. and the position is high for a car at this size....feel I am sitting on the toy car or something :)
Different than last time... this Yaris seems has slightly more power.... however, its noise level is beyond my expectation for a Toyota. With 20K on the odormeter, I am assuming this car has received enough "training" thus the engine probably runs with pull power but less calm :D

Some of my friends and relatives are actually driving Yaris. So, I better shut up now.

Crianza 2000 from Montecillo

This is the second time I had this exact same wine..

Unfortunately, we had the wrong sequence. We should have the Carmenere first, since it is heavier. Tempranillo definitely is lighter and slightly more acid... but still less than Shiraz.

We did not finish it over the dinner so we preserved it. Then less than a week we took it out and finish it up. It turns out excellent. The acid is actually reduced and taste more fruity and smoothy...

Still, I have to say the cost to value ratio is excellent

Carmenere 2007 from Anakena Chile

Our Japanese friends brought this wine to the dinner. This is the first time for me to try Carmenere and learnt quite some history about it.

It is relatively heavier, compare to Merlot. Quite close to Cabernet Sauvignon (they supposed to be similiar from originality). And it is less acid, comparing to Shiraz.... Eve I am not a fan of Cabernet, I still can tell this is quite a quality wine...

It was a wonderful event, turned a simple drinking to be educational and emotional. We really enjoyed the drinking and kept going on and on and on....

Chimay - Cing Cents

We hosted our Japanese family for a BBQ dinner. We started with this Chimay beer since we know Japanese mostly starts with beer, and then switch to wines or liquors

I had it before when travelled in Belgium. So I knew the quality is outstanding and definitely won't go wrong.

Well, my family seems not impressed. But my friend turned out to be a big fan of Chimay and said this is his most favorable beer.. Urrr.... so We ran out it very quickly and this happened to be the only bottle I have in house. Aaaaaa!!!! a huge embarrassment....

Next time I should keep two or three in my refrigerator all the time.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Standing next to a JAL 777

Woow.... The blast is stunning. Boeing 777 has the most powerful engine in the world... its two engines has more power than the 4 engines 747 has combined. Our CRJ on the left corner is just a toy....

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

About Rick Steves

Well... I recently encountered some of his videos... pretty appealing for me as there has been a lacking of nice European travel video in US for a while.

Samatha Brown has quite traveling Europe. Michael Paulin's Britan arrogance made me puke (not in Europe though). And global trekker is really not my style (sorry, no backpacking!)

One thing I like Rick is he is not making too much comments other than introduction. That is something for an American (and European). Can see quite some his video clips on youtube.
But interestingly, he recently start promoting his book "travel as a politic act" http://www.travelasapoliticalact.com/ which is full of "I think..." , "I feel..."
Maybe he has been suppressed too much and too long in his show :)
But anyway, I like some of his point of view through his introduction clips:
Chapter 4 - "Get connected or be dumped out" is commenting on the way people are traveling. I enjoyed some of his comments for Americans traveling oversea.Don't tak me wrong here. It is not only for American. In fact, always some "red neck" tourists from any country do the sane things.
Chapter 8 - "How others see us" is pretty cool too. He made a lot of points echoing the feeling from people like me, who travelled around the world and see how people think American...
One comment of my American friends in my Japanese lesson when back in Tokyo said "don't tell people you are from US, or they will just fxxk whatever you say".
Chapter 9 - "Terrorism, fear and sense" made some comments regarding American's mindset regarding terriorism and some own "internal affairs" They are quite some wisdoms and something american refused to hear from a long time. . For me, it is at least nice to hear it from an American saying that.
Well.... found something interesting and enjoyed.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Travel by rental car? have a Diners with you

I was a happy Diners Card member for a long time (well... 10 year is not long for many heritage card holder, but anyway). I had numerous debated with family and friends regarding paying its not so friendly membership fee. But a recent event made me feel my loyalty worth. So I am a happier customer now.

Back to March, I traveled to Belgium and rented a car just for commuting between client and hotel (earlier blog post). I used AutoEurpoe (http://www.autoeurope.com/) to book the rental, It is buying car rental in batch and resale them at cheaper price, wholesales kind of business. It was new for me so I was kind of cautious. The rate was excellent. And the process to use the coupon went smoothly. It earned its credit. I will use it again if possible. The rental was actually provided by National Car Rental at Belgium Brussels Airport. This sounded all fine, right??

The problem started from return. 9AM return flight in the morning, so I went back to airport and tried to return the car roughly at 7AM. The rental office down at parking garage supposed to be opened at 6 as I believed. However, there was nobody there. I phoned the upstairs office asked how to return the car. They said the guys supposed to be there was late bhah bhah ... and just drop the key in the return box and go. But then I asked whether there will be a receipt of returning. They said no because nobody there... hum??? fishy??

After couple weeks, I checked the credit card charge and noticed there was a charge, five day after the return from this national car rental at Belgium. The amount was even higher than the whole rental !!! hum??

I phoned this national car rental at Belgium, nobody ever picked up the phone... So, I start contacting national car rental here at US... The US customer service was not bad... they tried to help... but they told me that the Belgium operation was a franchiser. So everything is on different system. They have no access at all, except their are hanging a brand which is identical to national care rental. urr..... I knew running this kind of business is screwy.

So, about a week later... the national car rental came back with some info, finally. They said it was a vehicle damage charge ..?? hum? that does not sound right... firstly, I should have received the damage report from this vendor, it was almost a month after the return. Second, I was using Diners, the charge should not come to me as a normal practice... So I asked whether national car rental US had a copy of damage report... funny, they said: no, the vendor said it will take a while to retrieve it..... hmmmm, the sky is darkening and seems storm is coming.

So, I told national car rental US to get a report anyway, which they did (again, they earned their credit). Ok, so eventually I got a piece of crappy hand writing and some mark on the car diagram saying there was a ding on windshield and cost $300 to repair it (what? a ding on windshield which I did not see? and $300 for a ding? I almost replace half of the windshield already).

So I told national car rental US: " go check to your franchiser, this seem not right... first the damage report and charge were not reasonable, second, please deal with the insurance company directly rather than charge to my card" At meanwhile, I already contacted Diners car service to be ready for this. The reply from national rental car was shocking but funny: "sorry, the vendor just filed bankruptcy and no long can be contacted!!!" hahaha........ we finally see the last episode.

I asked to Diners to follow it up.... this apparently to be a fraud. That company must be overcharging whole bunch of victims at the last minutes before it closed it business. And I am guessing the faciliate at Belgium airport must be hanging another brand and run their business as usual now. (not sure this is normal in Belgium or not... may it is. But aleast seems an awkward way of running business :D)

serviced by Eurocar??? anyway... does not matter anymore. If you are in Beligum, check the car rental in airport, which company it is now next to Sixt... May be Alamo??? hehehe..

5 months later, Diners finally closed the investigation. I don't know how eventually they are going to resolve it. But I was informed that I am not obligated for that stupid windshield charge..

Travel by rental car? get a Diners. In a case like this it will dip into your personal car insurance firstly before any other credit card's car insurance kick in. I am happy that I was really in worry-free for such a long period. And I got at least 3 years memebership fee even out.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Lexington, NC - BBQ in North Carolina style

Made a short stop at Lexington, North Carolina to have a BBQ lunch.
Lexington, the capital of NC BBQ, has numerious BBQ shops. However, mostly are closed on Sunday thus left us not many options to choose.

But the Smileys's we went, was not bad at all. We ordered the classic pull pork sandwich...
It came with stunning volume and very reasonable price.... definitely enjoyed.
The vinegar based north caroline style, which is lighter and more refresh comparing to other style, is one of my favor, for sure.

Honda Civic

Woow! come to me with surprise... got a brand new Honda Civic! The odometer is just 160!! and just has a temporary license plate... Need to give credit to Hertz and Costco...Used Hertz for 5+ years and enjoyed its service and overall quality, but gave up laterly due to its notorious rates. But with Costco travel discount, this became a very appealing deal and pleasant experience.

Interior and steering are solid. To dual console made me take some time to adjust it... something rather fancy than useful. Cabin noise isolation is not bad... somehow just feel the view angel is a little bit awkward.. maybe just because of the sitting angle... used to drive bigger car already. How about powerplant and and transmission?? urrr.... I would suggest Accord if want to drive in a hilly place (like Atlanta) or catch up highway traffic more easily. I can bump up rpm to 6k easily with a simple kick down.... feel I am going to stress out the engine quickly if I keep doing so.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Busch Garden Williamsburg

Second time in a month we came to Busch Garden Williamsburg. For those who don't know it, it is a Europian theme amusement park. Sounds odd, right? US east coast is so close to Europe already. Why need a theme park? But I guess it is serving as a cheaper option by driving instead of flying.
The other thing awkward for me is this: They have shows like - October festival. It is done in a artificial beer house as big as the real one in Munich. And the show has dancing and singing in every two hours...

So if you missed the experience (like me) of octorber festival... you can come here and have it year round... the music and dancing are not bad .. But having it year round? I guess those Bavarian will feel awkward :-D