Wednesday, November 22, 2006

100% failure rate

We renewed our T-mobile contract at the beginning of this year. Thanx to my wife she nailed a bargain. We got two cool moto razor for free.
however, after couple weeks, there are white spots on my LCD. I thought it was scratches but getting worse and worse. Eventually we reported to T-mo and found out that is a common defect. So I got mine replaced.
Last week, my wife razor suddenly went blind. Means nothing is on screen anymore. So we call T-mo again. Ban! another defect and got a replacement. It is in the photo and the box is the return (with broken in).
T-mo has such efficient return procees lead me to wonder is a market differentiator or survival factor. I was also thinking whether it is because we got a bargain so T-mo sent us thses 'guarantee fail moto razor'. Or Moto designed these cool looking phone with crapy components? Guarantee 100% failure rate!?

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