Friday, November 17, 2006

MBA - International & Service oriented

Sometimes, I think I must hit something two years ago to decide to take a MBA program in Europe. Ya, more precisely, in UK.
However thought about this less and less. couple days ago, a friend ask me how to feel so far for taking a program this far away and not well-known in US. I found I can easily describe how.
maybe sort of stereotypes, but I do enjoy the difference between US and Europe school - business school. US is good in marketing, operation and strategy. Europe is better in OB , Fin and particularly international biz. One key factor is the homogenuousness of this huge US market.
Some Europeans were joking about that US does not have good international perspective. I think that is true driven by this factors. But first point is, I think european is not better too much. the admin stuff sin my school ( comma, not wildchick comm college, top 5 univ in UK) thought Japan is part of China! second point is, from biz perspective, US don't need international biz as badly as europe. so no wonder some of them don't care.
so I enjoy the broader perspective in europe biz school. more international minded.
another enjoying thing is service oriented content. yap, manufacturing in UK is gone.. just purely gone. don't see any reason how and why someone want to do manu in UK and be competitive. a prof in strategy said ' ha! UK is screwed. it is in 'wealth driven' development (per porter) and won't be competitive againt asian countries ' I think a lot of my britain classmates stunned. but I think the statement is right.

so these two things are the two factors I enjoy most,which are quite the differentiators.

Urrr... as for the facilities and efficiency of school, europe has no way to close the gap with US. so, I think that will be the matter to manage the expectation for THESE EUROPEANS...

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