Monday, November 20, 2006

Shopping Season

Ok. Black Friday is approaching. to avoid a freak out BF, we decided to take an earlier action.
We bought this compaq laptop (c302) for about $350.
After a more comprehensive reseach, we found the laptop at same spec probably could be available at CC for around $300. however, it probably requires to line up by 3AM on BF and won't guarantee you get one. So we quickly dropped the ball. Yap, no matter what, it is still good enough comparing to MSRP.
It turned out to be a nice one. Performance is good and I overhaul the windows to get ride of all these HP preinstalled crap. Except some cumbersome problem with compaq's driver (highly expected), it went quite smoothly.
The last problem is the SATA. somehow the WinXP keep getting blue screen whether I enabled the SATA option... but don't see this hampering performance much so far.
My wife is thinking to get another one. And we still have portable DVD, GPS etc. on the shopping list. woopy, shopping season is here.

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