Thursday, November 16, 2006

Escapism !?

Recently, I noticed I am more interested about the US internal political and social issues then other things I used to care with.

I think no matter what, people tend to be more care about the event, politic and social issue in or from their homeland. Like my Taiwanese friends always talk about election and politics in that island. My chinese friends talks about the life of mid class and how to make more money. My Japanese friend talk about how much Matsusaka will be sold, and my british friend keep making joke on Tony. I think that is also a safer way to make a conversation. It makes sense, you are not going to greet with your US friend by saying "hey! how is your Iraq war going?"

But why I am doing this? think about something I am not originated from? I was wondering that is it because of escapism. I even not sure whether "escapism" is a word or not. But I used it a lot to describe some of the motivation when go watch a movie.

So, maybe I am just tired to talk about something from my homeland which is barely changed, and probably never change.

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