Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Admin staffs

In my previous post, I talked about how low quality of the staffs in my MBA program. Past couple days, I was ewally bothered by something they 'effectively' created.
At the beginning of this week, I suddenly receive a email to info me that the exam center I requested (which is U of Mxxxxx in US) does not have the space to accommodate my exam, and then ask me whether I am willing to change my whole travel arrangement.
ARE YOU NUTS? that was my response and think these smart Britains may not understand these dumb texan english. So I went on to explain how difficult and crazy it will be to make travel arrangement in less than two weeks and in such holiday season. I am assuming they know there is a thanksgiving in US and is a important holiday.
ok, so they KINDLY promise to me to work this out and explain to me that U of Mxxxxx has their final schedule...
Oh comma, either they think we MBA students are as dumb as potatoes or we are already recognized to be dumb enough to pick this program.
The exam location list was published in the beginning of Sept and we submitted our selection in mid of Sept. And the schedule of Mxxxxx (especially the schedule of final) should be well-known at the same time (have u be an college student?). For me, it is estimated to be a 5 mins task to pull out the schedule, take a look and make a phone call to confirm.... well, may be 30 mins.
So, our lovely admin staff just did this until 3 weeks prior exam!?
Our classmates have an assumption that the admin staffs in university, college or research institute are less competent than industries. They probably just want to have a easy job (way too easy) or just not competent enough to handle more complicate tasks. Therwise, they should be able to progress much better than stay in a slow pace environment. However, I feel they are generally nicer and I am not sure how to approve/disapprove this. But after an event like this, I am more lean to believe the hypothesis. Now I need to come up a 2x2 matrix to model this. that's all MBA students is doing.

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