Sunday, November 26, 2006

Not fair!

Ok. Black Friday is end and the craziness is gone. I stood in front of BB for couple hours and got most stuffs I want, except a NB which we knew it is mission impossible.
The thing is, my wife went to CC and got totally different experience. In front of BB, my last 100m was actually a spring and rushing. I really feel sorry for some old folks and cannot believe BB just let it went like that. It was completely unorganized and out of control.
My wife at CC got a well organized line, moved into the store smoothly withou any rush and interruptor.

What pissed me most was, one local restaurant handed out free coupons of a free breakfast after shopping to the people waiting in line there. Another one even just fetched a box of hot sandwiches to distribute. My wife keep saying she was so moved for these "kind community service" and make her feel cozy living in this community.

Damn, I was three blocks always with nothing and was freezing. The guys front of me kept drinking and smokingand then everyone went completely out-of-control greedy (but I heard the Walmart next block was even worse). I don't know whether these mean I was in the wrong community, or people think the people waiting front of BB are worse off (more greedy?) and not belonging here, or just ignore us (since we probably out-number CC)?

This is just don't seem fair! but okok. it was me to decide to go BB and looked stupid now. My wife and I did have a fun and exhausting BF. but next time go BB to lineup? I will give it a third thought (not only second).

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