Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Back to 2004, I visited Hiroshima with my lovely wife. The purpose was to go miyajima (宫島). Miyajima is a very very scenery place, worthy to visit for a life time. I will post some pictures later
However, Hiroshima is different. After went to the A bomb museum, it turned a afternoon to be a depressed afternoon. My wife even cannot finish the whole exhibition.
disregarding who is right or wrong in a event of war. The pain and the suffer of ordinary people are significant. I served in military for a while. I was not sure what was the purpose of serving in military if the military activities do not aim to improve people's welfare. Sometime it is scarying to really try to sort out the reason to initiate a war. Do you believe that from certain perspective, Japan had to initiate pearl habor things for a good reason? I think most people don't. Anyway, I remember I saw a tv program in which a congressman questioned a general: 'if you cannot justify why our sons or daughters had suffered a for good reason for the country, then how we can convince other parents to sent their sons and daughters to fight, to die for that reason?'
Well, US is not drafting. so the reason to sent someone to battlefield for whatever reasons get complicated. However, I think the conclusion from Hiroshima still stands - ordinary people suffer most, no matter the person initiated achieved his object or not.

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