Thursday, December 20, 2007

Blackfriday 2008

ok. looks better this year since went throught all the Ads and did not see too many things worth to buy. so I guess we are at a stage that the electric at home is sufficient.

Toyota Yaris

My mom was initially thinking to buy this tiny sporty oriented, but cheap entry level car. I start to worry about Civic's market share. but I think its domaination will not be changed. Yaris is still achieve that level of techical excellence from my perspective.
not enough juice for sure. the dashboard is nice, apparently more fashion and modern than corolla. Handing is fine. I think it is ok to be the first car for college kid (but think still too spoiled).

Monday, November 12, 2007

Toyota 4Runner

I was quite happy to get this car. well, nothing to with whether I like this car or not. it just I bookeda lower class car but they ran it out. so I have to pick a bigger one with no extra charge ( who knows they will kick my back later or not)

overall, quite a smooth car. the seating position is high which gave me a good vision on highway. the dash board is sort of cramped. the engine is not particularly power, probably the only obvious issue. sort of spacy. but I believe it could do a better job with this size of chassis.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

MDA with strange SIM ---> MAD

Two weeks ago(at the time when I was renting this Envoy), my MDA started losing signal time to time. After a week struggling, it is getting worse and worse. after rebooting and even reformatting my MDA, it kept struggling to get receptions. I was quite concerned since I really don't want to spend another $200 bucks to get a new smartphone, but I also will jeopardize my productivity badly without one.

Then one day I noticed repositioning the SIM card helps, a little. After reposition it, it will quickly find the signal and keep it for a while. After couple hours, it gets back to norm and keep searching for signal, eventually gave up.

Then I replace the SIM card with another phone... what stroke me was, both phones work great!!!.... Damn... but because I use MDA with my company number. I really cannot switch it.

So, I came down to the last option, gave T-mobile customer service a call and ask them to issue me a new SIM card. They were amazed by the issue but agreed to have me replaced it to try out.

I stopped by a local T-mobile shop and pick up a new SIM, put it in.... BANNN...... 5 secs, my MDA is back to full reception! data connection is working too!!! wooopy!

So, we now know that SIM card does affect the reception. It could turn a phone MAD easily....

GMC Envoy

I lost my notes since I reformat my MDA. it is actually an interesting story. I am going to post it on a separate note. Because of MDA went MAD at that time, I did not get a chance to take a picture of this wacky car!!!

It probably ranked as lowest as the car I have ever driven. Before this, I am actually under the impression that GMC does have a pretty good reputation in the section of trunk/SUV/crossover. I am hoping this is the worst car in GMC family, otherwise, I don't think it deserves the reputation I heard.

The major merit and probably the only one is the engine. It just has enough power, "just" but not more. The seat is cramy.. the dashboard is notwell arranged. the electronic system was so out dated like dirivng a 70s car. The interior seems trying to make it a higher class, but all just make it more like driving a slightly more luxury trunk.

I was wondering whether this is for people want to drive a "upper class trunk" and who have never drive a different car but trunk in their whole life. Compare to the comfortness and steering of passenger car, it is far away. Compare to the spacy, no way close to a ordinary Van. Even just compare to a SUV which I thought the market it is asiming. man, don't want to do that. Overall, it seems just a nicer trunk with roof but I doubt how much trunking job it can do.

Maybe I was wrong... but the fact is.. this car does not impress me at all in the begiining, and actually disapppoitning me by the end.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Toyota RAV4

here is the famous RAV4
it is bigger than I thought. it is pretty nice to drive except the engine is sort of lack of juice.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Buick Terraza

Do you believe there is a buick van actually? I didn't. I never realized it exists until I saw this one.

the engine is mild. interior is crop. cannot believe they are positioning Buick as an higher end class.
but reversely thinking, Chrysler's Caravan is even worse. I guess US car marker never think to make a upper class Van. no wonder honda odyssey and toyota sienna keep beating them up. even the over hill nissan quest still edge on them

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ego in Automative

Was quite busy recently because my newborn son came in June. That is another length note which I have not had time to work on. Anyway, this is just about a interesting story from my friend/college classmate.

My BS is mechanical enginerring. I quite focused on automative industry and was friend with a group of "car geek". I then went to the pilgrim school, U of Michigan. For an automotive engineering, that is the dream school. But ironically, during the final stage of my graduate degree, I decided to leave car industry and tought it is failing (which is kind of true now).
Back on track. This is one of the friend from this group. He came to here, went to the MBA program of one of the elite school. It was quite a investment but we all think it should be worthful.

The interesting part comes. Finally he landed a nice job and graduated. When relocation is still going on and student loan is not cleaned yet, he decided to buy a new car.
A BMW 335xi!!!
This car is more than 40K and in a upper class among BMW family.
This made me recall the last time I drove BMW. It was Autumn of 2005 when I was managing a project in Regensburg, Germany. I had some photos. But I really cannot recall what exact they were. I remembered the first time I got a BMW 318, then 320 I believe. Whether I got 325 or not, I am not sure. Funny thing is, I kept all the rental records back 2004, but I just cannot find any of these.

I always rent BMW mainly because I need GPS and client was ok for the higher rate. So, I managed to stay away from VW which my client keep saying they are crap. Oh... one point here, having a GPS in a country which you can not speak the language is a life saver. I ended up using the GPS more fluent than my own product I guess.318 was not impressed. The space is not sufficent and the engining is crying all the time... I managed to drive up to 200Km/Hr on AutoBahn but the whole car was getting shaky. 320 (or 325) was relatively better. The space is about the same (actually better because the 32x was the new model). But the smoothness around 150-200Km/Hr is quite improved.

BMW 318 when reaching 200 Km/hr

I then got couple chances to take rides with client's IT manager, who was driving a BMW 525. I just think I will never accept the tiny space in 3 series to be a family car. Overall, it is a car for two adults only, a hippy car.
Before my daughter came, we actually went to the car dealer and tried the 3 series. We also then tried Mercede C220 (I think). Well, my wife was apparently not even putting them in consideration.

Oh... when looking for photos (and rental records but return nothing), I recalled all the days I had in that small nice town in Germany. Regensburg is quite a peaceful place and may be I should post some photos later. I also noticed I actually got a Mercede B series one time. Maybe I should talk it a little bit since B series is quite rare out of Europe.

Ok... the point is, I am quite happy for my friend actually. Even thinking about all the financial implication. Car is consumer good, we all agree. And it go depreciate all the time and does not preserve value well. But from car guy ego, I can sort of understand. And I kind of thinking that if I could, I may go crazy because of this ego thing once a life time.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Jeep Liberty

I picked it up because I did not have much chance to drive a Jeep and the experience has never been great. so, with a short trip, picking a jeep seems optimal.
I have to say that it drives mostly ok if you don't want to drive it aggressively. I would never get used to its transmition. it seems tuned very wiredly. too much when you try to park but too less when you kick down the pedal on the highway.
the space is not great. it is just barely acceptable. I was making joke of this that it is sort of uncomfortable to drive on road so you would like to drive it offroad.
anyway, Jeep is Jeep. it has its brand name, history and prestige.

Buick LeSabre

just realize how long I had this note sitting here without sending it out. almost a month. that pretty much means I did not travel for about a month. I got to say that is a good thing. start to really enjoy the no-travel life. This is quite an old model. but driving it can tell what means 'American car'. the suspension is so soft that you actually feel you are rowing a boat.
the dashboard is not bad. but can say the things are really made cheaplly. it is not designed to be stylish. you probably can image this is the car for the old grandpa grandma.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Chevolet Malibu

Well, I got to say that recent driving of American cars did change some of my perceptions. I guess the newer generation of american car does catch up foreign cars a lot and seems improve a lot. or just because I am getting used to?
first, I have to say that I am not really interested in luxury car, except Hummer and Mercede CLK. I definitely more interested in mid price range, mid size car. Because car is the most popular ttansportation tool, a lot of people are using it to demostrate their social status, just like the girl's wearing Hemes and Prada on tokyo subway. But ultimately, car is just a transportation tool and that is why people drive it. so I definitely admire the companis who make car for driving more than the companies making car for other purposes.
anyway, the Malibu did run smoother than I expected. I intended pick a V6 version instead of normal one when selecting the car. the interior is properly arranged. nothing extraordinary.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pontiac G6

I was sort of surprised about the horsepower and the smoothness I am getting from this engine. It seems better than the most US car I got so far. this makes me nervous since I do't have much chance to drive on highway and mostly are local roads. needto be extra cautious not speeding.
The handling is not bad too, even the steering is a little bit heavy and the car weight seems to have influence on mavourving.
the seating is lean to hard. and lack od some advance adjusting features like its japanese and europian competitors.
it is not that spacy. the room is sort of clamp. and the view is pretty narrow. tend to give you a feeling that ur actaully in a racing oriented car.
the exterior is good. do look like a muscle car One funny thing was that when picking up the car, they have two options, fresh hot red G6 and a dark grey one. the red one seemssaying 'Mr.policeman, I am here!' so I got the dark grey one.
just a little disappointing that the one I got did not equip with the signature full-open sky window. it was quite a attracting feature when G6 came out years ago. I remembered this is also the car that oprah gave to her audiences. anyway, sometimes I just feel her behaviors are odd. but just a little. mostly her thinking seems still following the tradition culture and ethic, which is much better than most folks in hollywood.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Chrysler PT Cruiser

one of the cars which I had thinking to drive at least once. It turned out ok. the engine is proper. not extremely powerful but not lack of juice. the sitting position is sort of high and made me a little bit uncomfortahble until I get used to.
it tried to make it classic. the external style is ok. particularly the one I am driving is black. but the interior is not. heavy plastic feeling and sort of cheap layout. it tried to add some walnut insert, but seems not helping much for me. I have no chance to try the backseat yet, but does not seem extremely spacy.
I am kind of confused bt the position of this car. except being classic, what is the characterisitics of this car? I don't see anything particular

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Saturn VUE

Sort of odd looking car. probably because it is the first time I drive a saturn (or I just cannot remember it).
it was a pretty interesting that at the moment I sat into the cockpit and turned the key, I immediately feel - this is a cheap car. Considering all these premium brands like lexus and BMW are marketing 'pushing start', I think this car is just going opposite. They may just want to make it look cheap, feel cheap even I doubt how cheap it really is. It probably not costing much for the product manager to design a better keylock, or spend a liitle more to find a supplier with better quality. thus I really do not appreciate this point.
the engine is pretty good. sort of surprised. Drove CRV (which I felt was in the similar class), this car definitely has more juice. the intefrior and layout are fine with me. Did not have too many problem to operate compare to Europian car (see my previous Pinto note).

I just saw a note that the engine was provided by Honda. that explain why. it was funny that in the note it mentioned that Honda is not favoring to provide engines for Saturn anymore. kind of interesting. other than producing powerful engine for particular purposes or for rich people (since they drink oil like water), it seems US is losing the competences to build the engine which is generally better for average human being. Maybe this is just a reflection of current position of United States.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Yesterday, I saw a sticker - 'politics is good'
Well, it is a sticker definitely good to stir up conversation. Actually, the attitude toward politics is comparatively calm and cool.
My personal conclusions are two points, one is good and one is bad (not exactly bad). the good point is in a well-developed countries. the legal and bureaucratic system are pretty much well definited. that means much less flexibility and ... loopholes. thus, it could reduce the interest and motivation to get involved in politics significantly. the other point is the history, europe and asia are relatively more passion about politics. the reason to be passion is not really just because they love it. Think about white terror and some harness caused by government (french revolution or china's culture revolution). If an area has been suffered from these big time, then people care about what is going on in politics, isn't it?

The first point is well supported by the low voting rates cross all developed counties. the second one may not be true, but might be applicable to US. The people here seems not sophisticated and care less about politics. the second one I was not that sure. the government suppression is another major factor. maybe it can say that developed area like US or Japan, seems there is no such history and not much government suppression in modern history, people gradually became less sensitive about politics atmosphere.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ripley, Tennessee

I recently start traveling to Ripley,TN. Not far from people's expectation. this is really a place in the countryside!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Toyota Corolla

Don't know how many times I drove this car.
Solid, stable, nothing is really fancy and nothing to complain is the characteristic.
If you want a transporation tools, that is best value to money.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Coke Culture

Yesterday, there was a article about the caffeine in soda. Onething interested was the diet coke and pepsi are both higher than ordinary coke and pepsi. Not surprised, my favor Mountain Dew is higher than all these.

The thing is, I suddenly recall this long debated topic. What is the composition of coke? the following question is how people can trust someone who keep selling stuff to you without telling you what's in there, and then people keep buying? so call blackbox product.

The blackbox product is involving in a heated business topic - ethic. Is it business' responsibility to make public aware of the content (to ensure they are no harm), or it is business' propritary but up to the ethic of business to ensure they are safe?

Ethic of business has been challenged signficantly, especially in US. The event of Enron and the increasing corruption in US politic (which of course mix with business) are gradually increasing people's awareness of ethic.

On the perspect which company should disclosure the content, the argument is always public safety. Human being are still exploring the world of science. So, that means we don't have a conclusive list for the materials which are harming. On the one hand, scientist need to strive to identify more. On the other hand, company also need to in corporate wit the new founding to ensure the product is safe. Of course, the power of market could accept or reject a finding, then it is up to public to keep accepting a product or not. However, with a blackbox product, it is all in the invisible hand of the company. Which is the imbalance of market power.

On the other perspective, comapny should be able to keep its proprietaries. Don't have the mandate to disclosure them. But this is under the assumption taht company is like human being, should respect the social value and public safety. This will come back to the debate of categorizing company as a human entity or a set of machinary.

Well, it is just hard to believe in the initial thought that how could people drink an unknown stuff for decades? My answer is a just joking that must be American.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fiat Punto

I got this car from Hertz@BHX. Initially I thought 'Gee, this is a tiny car' even I sort of recognize it. This car was sold in Asia some time back, but I really had no chance (and no motivation too) to look close.
Ok, here I am. Jump in the car and start my england driving adventure. It eventually took me 4 days to figure out exactly how all the things on dashboard work. Well, it might not be its fault since I was also under pressure and jumped in the car and drive immediately. Other part of the car are relatively straightforward.
I doubt in the beginning how this tiny car is going to behave on highway, it turned out to be pretty well surprisingly. I am not exactly sure it is because of road condition or what. In Germany, the nearly perfect autobahn contributes significant portion of the driving comfort. Driving at 70 or even 80 mph (not kph!), I started to concern the well-handling is making my safety under risk since I am always under the impression that the car at this size will not survive in any crash under that speed. However, it seems many many people in UK are driving at the same speed with the same size car! so, what could I say!? Driving slower probably put myself in jeopardy.
Because of manual, I can control the rpm pretty well and avoid clinches of transmission
other than those mistakes made by myself. And because of the traffic jam near university, it normally get me back to driving lesson 101
every morning (haha embarrassed laugh).
I am also wondering that this car does not have significant characterisitics like other european cars. Drove BMW and Mercedes only in the past, I have to say my exposure to european car is very limited. However, impressed by the different features on these brands (I am not saying these features are necessary better or worse), Fiat does make this car very plain. So plain that next time if you put me in driver seat, I will just purely unrecognize this is a Fiat other than the mark on steering wheel.
Anyway, as a transportation tool, it does provide all the hygiene factors. I cannot complain, it covers well and made me survive in this 7 days challenging adventure :D

Driving in England

Ok, now I am sitting at the airport departure hall. Lay back, relax and have a sip of good coffee. Got to think what could be the gift for my daughter from not-many-options duty free area. It is hard to believe that I have done a driving on the left hand of the road with a manual car for a week. Initial, this seems like something scaring but turned out ok. last time I did this was 7 years ago and I was driving a auto car, which reduced the complexity significantly.
The first challenge is in parking lot. that is the place I continuously lose conscious about that I have to drive on the left side of the road. and that is the place you can see the face of astonished driver front of you. Sort of embarrassed. I think the thing bothering me most is still the roundabout. it seems a mechanism that has a lot of subtle rules built in it. the first time I drove into a roundabout, I got honked. Later, I guess I managed better since I did not get into more troubles. However, if you ask me how to drive through a roundabount in detail? sorry, I just cannot tell. I will say roundabout is a smart design. it works very well when there are not many cars running around. When traffic is getting higher, it seems everyone then has to follow all these subtle rules or it will collapse, and things get slow down significantly.
Pump station and car return upset me a little, they have to come into the shop to pay and there is always a long queue there. But I guess that is normal for europeans since I got the same things in Germany.
I avoided driving in big city, since I know it is not going to be managerial. And it was strongly adviced by friends because of recent change of traffic rules in London. The high traffic area fee is definitely a hot debatable topic. Well, got to go back to air travel and normal right hand side driving soon. I guess surviving for one week is good enough and probably the maximum :D

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Broadway shows - Part 2

Now, I just finished my 'ok' chinese dinner, took a short walk to charing cross station and on the way back to hotel. The chinese dish was quite authentic kaundong cuisine . the reason I had it is just 'ok' is because of the size. a 6 pounds dish (about $12) means it should be huge in US already.
As I had, this is sort of reflection. 7 years ago, I was at the same corner of the earth, and enjoy the same joy. Before I decided to walk into Prince of Wales, I was keep wondering should I find a nice coffee shop to sit down and just review what had happened in past 7 years. Oh ya! I believe there are a lot and worthful to review!
Anyway, I decided to take MaMaMia! the famous musical which use ABBA's songs as the main character.
Well, I won't say it is bad. but definitely not reaching the excellent mark per my standard. It is just there is a distance between myself and ABBA, age and culture, all of them contribute to that I am sort of knowing their music, but less enthusiastic than the majority of the fans in the theater, including the japanese ojisan sitting next to me. oh! last time in NY for Phantom, the lady next to me was just 'excited'. This time, the old ladies on the other side is truly a frenetic fan. Ojisan was retired, just travels alone and enjoys himself. Made me wonder whether he is part of the 'block era' who just retired and divorced :p
Anyway, I enjoyed. and when I saw the single mother on the stage describing her longness and sadness for past 20 years, I was really happy to see my past 7 years was so fruitful, with a lovely family and really enjoyed my life. And I think I managed it well enough that I still can come back and be in the moment, at the place and have the entertainment.
So, I enjoyed the show, the music, the passion and the entertainment offered. And I certainly appreciate it is taking a long way to get here and I need to guard all these continuously.
Out of four major musicals, I only had two, cat and miss saigaon are missing. it is sad that cat is not in NY anymore otherwise it is much easier to access. Anyway, with my lovely kids, I guess I won't have chance like this easily. it is good that I am taking a slow train, allowing me to key down and capture all these moment. now, I got to say 'Yes, I love musical'

Broadway shows - Part 1

Am I a musical fan? I would say no. I do love these shows and sometimes would like to sing some of the famous lyrics. My broadshow experience went back when I was 27, which is drfinitely not earlier than most musical fan. some of my friends had them since childhood. Well, consider a kid grew up in the country side in a far away asian country, I already appreciate the long way to get here. and oddly, my first musical experience wew quite intensed - 3 in rows, in the place I did not have anything to do abount - London, and the interesting timeing - Chinese new year eve when I was watching the Les Miserable ..... interesting!? mmm.... that is definitely a moving but depressing musical.
My musical experience went back much ealier. some of my high school classmates used to sing some of weber's lyrics. 'Weber? what the heck he is' I was wondering at that time. of course, my life at that moment probably spent more time to study the context of Gundam 0089 rather than the background of Les Miserable ( french revolution!? the knowledge sufficient for exams is enough)
My first musical was chicago. I have to say that I did not fully grab the story until I went back to restudy. however, the one really impressed me was Les Miserable. I will say it is the one who lure me to be interested into the world of musical. the sophistication and the depth of storyline are still by far the best. It was Les Miserable to show me how effective it could be to use the mix of scene, script, music and vocal to express the feeling of human being, the sadness of poor, the poweless to fight with bureaucratic system and politics, and the loves for people and the rights which supposed to be embeded but get rip of because of systems (and ironically these are all built by humen).

Now, after 7 years later, around chinese new year timing, I am standing in the Leicaster square again and wondering what I ought to do.

Monday, February 19, 2007


>From long time back, I did not have every good impression to France. think it is over the hill and arrogant culture.
now I am still stuck in Paris waiting for my connection flight to England.
Urr... of course, this is not solely Air France's problem. Continental booked the flight with only one hour connection and underminded the inefficiency of Charles de Gelle. and I did not wait to take the direct flight to London because of long driving distance.
anyway, since stuck here, I did some shopping and walk around in terminal, even I am pretty much exhausted.
other than good food and some fashion good. I might hope to explore some more about people and culture here. But I might... because I guess the language is the major barrier and they are realy NOT nice to those non-france speaking foreigner (espeicially english speaking)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

baby boom

Ok, so I am expecting a boy baby this June. well this put another type of anxious since we are justing getting to be familiar with how to managing a girl. It as quite funny that my wife went a little bit panic on the ultrasound table saying 'how we are going to deal with a boy' 'I have never had a brother'... well I have a brother but I have to admit the way I manage our relationship is not that great. anyway, the nurse practioner in turn trying to clam her down (it is easy just a pair of jean he can survive for a week). well, I was not sure that I was that easy to manage.
anyway, my point is: other than this news, my friends start calling each other and sharing good news. and jaw dropping is, three of them simultaneously saying they are all expecting babyies in Sept!! one in japan, one in chicago and one in california. hehe.... well... X'mas or new year party baby is understandable.... but this more seems like a global baby boom. Other than the one in california which is too crowded already, all other should be celebrate by local authorities. the one in chicago could move to minnesota. it definitly will help local economics. The one in japan, the government should really cerebrate and reward them since this is the second kids, an outlier in japan already. as for mine, I definitely welcome the new challenge. as for local authorities. I guess don't bother since they are still fighting with iraqi war and who should apologize for the slavery 200+ years ago. welcome welcome, I guess mother earth is welcoming these new comer in the case if earth is not deteriorating too fasr because of human being.

Mazda 6

recently, I seldom come into office. so, not really have much time to 'type' on my MDA.
Last time I drove this Mazda 6, and funny is I got a same onr this week.

overall, it is a ok car. the interior is ok. generally better than Ford even they are sharing chess. the manuvouring is pretty good. I think the main problem still the power of engine. By kicking down, I can easily drive up RPM

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Have to admit that I am not fully recovered from vacation mode. kind of lazy for some issues.
last week, I finally gearred up for some long dued items. then, ppssss.... my laptop screen flashed, and then it never came back again. The motherboard basically bursted. Woo... for so many years of experience using laptop, this is the first time I got such fatal problem (well, this is my first Dell laptop).
ok, so I wasted three days to get it repaired, and then another day to get softwares all work (since it screwed my OS).

I need to spend more time to digest my new lesson, strategy and practice. I feel it is quite interesting, especially when talking about corporate strategy which is dominated by US and discuss it under 'europian stereotype'.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Oversea travel with toddler

Just came back from a two weeks long oversea travel, went back to my hometown.
It turned out to be great, especially for my daughter (for her is three weeks).

It is quite interesting (and suprising) to see her response in first week. Because of Jetlag and illness, she did not feel very well. The foreign environment exaggerated the symdrome. So, the first week was sort of miserable.

However, after first week, we were keeping traveling and change places from places. You can easily tell the adaptiveness. She start to get used to the changes of environment, and the attitude turned from frighten to cautious, and then eventually curious in the last week.

So, by the end of third week, it was quite difficult to manage her. She can run around in neighborhood and department store shop floor even she is just first time visiting. Even more frighten for us. She immediately learnt how to explore someone's house in the first time visit!!!

For the long distance travel with a toddler, yes, it is really a challenge. So, we were quite concern and made a lot of practices. Some of my relatives are quite suprised by the amount of preparation and the tactics required. Even just for the long flight cross ocean, the diaper bag is bigger than ever. It turned out to be great. We managed most of the journal smoothly and successfully access to many places which we thought it might not be possible with a toddler.

Overall, I am extremely happy for this travel. Not only I enjoy the relax, food and the time with family and relatives, but also have my daughter accustom to longhaul travel and dynamic enviornment.